Encuentro Latino

Encuentro Latino takes place in early August every summer at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy

* There will be a special registration required for Groups of 15 or more on Aug 3, 2024, which
will be our Annual Encuentro Latino.

All parking on site. No walk up allowed

Note: All events in Spanish

No 2pm English Mass

Click Here to Register a Bus or Group

Encuentro Latino, or Latin Encounter, is a religious celebration held every year at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy. It usually draws more than 5,000 faithful from different countries around the world to praise God’s mercy. On this special celebration, our pilgrims usually enjoy a day of prayer and praise, dedicated to our Lord and His Blessed Mother here on Eden Hill.

For more information about the day, a schedule of the events, and a link to register groups of 15 or more, please see our flyer which is also available on our Monthly Calendar.