Bl. Anthony & Bl. George Novena

The following is the same prayer being said during the Novena at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy. Blessed Anthony Leszczewicz & Blessed George Kaszyra Prayer through the Intercession of Blesseds Anthony and George O God, Merciful Father, in the heart of Your Servants Anthony and George, You aroused such a great zeal for accomplishing corporal and spiritual deeds of mercy; deign to grant to us through their intercession the grace for which we implore You... (Here mention your special intentions.) Prayer for the Canonization of the Blesseds Anthony and George Most Holy and undivided Trinity, You choose to live in the hearts of Your faithful servants, and after their death to reward their merits with the glory of heaven. Grant, we implore, that Your servants, Anthony and George, who with apostolic zeal faithfully served the Church under the patronage of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, may be numbered among the Saints, through Christ our Lord. Amen. You are asked to send news about graces received from God through the intercession of Blesseds Anthony and George, requests for biographies and prayers to the following address: Vice-Postulator of the Marian Causes of Canonization, Eden Hill, Stockbridge, MA 01263 Blessed Anthony Leszczewicz Martyrdom: February 17, 1943 Blessed George Kaszyra Martyrdom: February 18, 1943 Solemnly beatified by the Supreme Pontiff, Pope John Paul II, June 13, 1999, in Warsaw, Poland.